Saturday, March 26, 2011

Indignant Ball

The sun rose and plateaued before noon.
Stuck up their,
we all took turns watching.
Blinded by the radiance but we still
tried to understand this phenomena


One “I”

    Now you might not know it or you might. I can’t really say what everyone might know so I’ll try to fill you in with my condition as needed.  Many people live different lives some are born with to many.  Too many eyes, too many arms, fingers, toes, testicles, breasts, ovaries, nipples.  Others have to face the negative consequence to this and are born with to less, missing fingers, arms, born without genitalia, missing a piece of their brain, missing emotions, missing testicles, forgotten sanity, misplaced gender.  Other are born just right with the right amount of things, with the correct alignment of parts that make us all stop and go but aren’t these people missing some character.  Don’t we all have to be missing a certain something to be alive?  I wouldn’t want to reside in that world where everything is perfect, everything fit together too well where nothing ever confronted your day and made you suffer but I guess I am in a whole, special, predicament that not many people are faced with. 

An Invisible Ant and Twin Pipes