Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Tumbleweed

The high finally made me dry, my eyes feel like when sun shine hits snow

Or trying to keep your eyes open when you blow your nose

My heads already in disarray, misbehaved till the chicken came

My minds over matter, scaling scaffolding over sunset hues splattered on streets

Ripped hole in bed sheets, a bio dome near my feet, see the leafs split and the spiders eat

Hopefully the vole can find it's way out because all I hear is scratching and all he hears is rapping

All I feel is all for me, timed tapped poetry trapped timid luxury but it's not enough for me

Wrestling words till submission, get rejected and it's back to listening, back to the basic the entrance to mazes

The initial percussion from a cave in, a rustle to watching your first friend get wasted.

Is it initiation?  It's usually me because of my sleep deprivation.  I see the invitation as an act of intimidation

A happy couple speaking vows through the howls of imitation, the wolves sit in back laughing, a seething situation.

View it with an open outlook, that's what I was told, that's why I brought a trade paperback book so I could choose where to settle or forsook.  I begin to meddle, seeing dresses with shiny emblems tossed my day dreams in a blender

I just wanted to something to peddle, a pedal drops from the encumbrance of the morning dew, a pedal still spins even when it's frame is chained.  I lay dumber then I was before I learned to share the pain.

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