I've been trying to keep myself busy as usual.
Projects that I'm working on.
1. Daedra wants Dick. I'm still going on this story very slowly. It's coming to the end in it's written state. I'm at about 40 pages and the shift is about to happen. I want to see if I can get it published some place other then here but it's length is troubling. I also want to do a tele-pod on this or pod play. I feel like listening to something an hour long is more approachable then reading something that would take an hour. No one I know reads consistently anymore that are my age so I'm shifting as well.
2. I've been in the talks with a co-worker (Kris Solum) to do a few things. I've always wanted to try out animation and he's actually done some animation so we are pitching ideas back and forth. I gave him the idea of a man travelling from his old home to a new home with a mini-fridge. As the trip grows longer, the surrounding landscape changes into a surreal being. I finished up the storyboard and gave him a canvas painting of the final transformation of it all.
3. Kris and I also are talking about doing a stop motion video. We want to do produce battle raps between fruits versus vegetables. I just wrote up the banana vs. head lettuce verses. The video will hopefully be raunchy produce battling and I figured that the lyrics could also be semi-educational because I'm just talking about produce which is something I never learned about in school.
A. Journal has been on a halt. (Heard you Calling)
B. I want to start working on music again but I feel like it could be too much for me.
Also been playing a lot of borderlands.